Friday, 29 July 2011

Cats are cool to hang out with

Dogs seem to be out and about with their owners all the time: going for walks, playing in parks, riding in cars, even joining in on shopping trips or family vacations. But while they may not get as much public face time, cats can be just as cool to hang out with -- maybe even cooler. Give it a try and you'll find that engaging in fun activities with your feline friend can prove to be endlessly entertaining, and doing so may strengthen the bond between you as well. I belong to that world where we find people less affectionate towards individuals but more towards their pets.
I love my cats and don't know what I would do without them.I have been nurturing and looking after nine cats at my home. I know many may not believe this but I am extremely attached to my cats - so much so that every night before going to sleep I make sure that the cats are well fed. I have even bought little costumes for them and take them out for a walk myself every weekend whenever I get time from my shoots and events. I call them my babies. Initially I had 11 cats but two of them were stolen from my apartment last month. I don't know how that happened and whenever I think about them I feel very sad... I have lodged a complaint regarding the same but my cats are still missing. I still mourns for my two lost babies and is willing to do anything to get them back...

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