Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Azad must apologise: Celebs

For someone heading the health ministry, Ghulam Nabi Azad seems to be shockingly lacking in sex education. In 2009, he had come up with a really 'creative' idea to work on the UPA's birth control agenda. 

He'd said, "Television has one great benefit. If electricity reaches every village, people will watch television late into the night and will have no time to produce babies. I'd believe 80% of birth control will be taken care of by TV." And now, his comment, "Men having sex with men (MSM) is not only a disease but is also unnatural," has outraged people not just in the LGBT community, but beyond.

While we can only hope that no one in the world is actually paying any attention to the fact that our health minister still lives in the birds-and-bees world, here's what people tweeted about his statement...

W.h.o. doesn't agree 
I'm shocked to hear our health minister would make a statement about homosexuality, calling it a 'disease'. WHO does not think so sir! Dear honourable Mr Health Minister, the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from its list of diseases in 1990.
Celina Jaitly

Needs counselling 
Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad needs urgent counselling for his regressive statement. His 'unnatural' stand is dangerous for a healthy democracy. It's because of these regressive people that the largest democracy in the world deprives the largest number of sexual minorities their democratic rights.

A personal choice! 
How can we have a health minister who says gay sex is a disease? It's a personal choice that's no one's business and affects nothing they do! Just as no one thinks u're diseased to be with an older woman, or a younger man, this is NOT a disease! It's a personal preference that may seem unusual to u because of ur conditioning. 

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