Rajeev Khandelwal had returned from Europe the night before the blasts in Mumbai. The actor has an uncanny co-incidence to relate. "A day before 26/11, I had come back from Spain. Now I feel I should stop going to Europe because whenever I return from Europe, I get a rude welcome in the city," he says.
Reacting to the Mumbai blasts, Rajeev says, "These attacks only prove that the people are very vulnerable. This time around, it was a feeling of hopelessness. If people say that the administration is not doing anything, then we should pull up our own socks because a lot is to be done by us. Instead of blaming each other, we should work together. Sadly, like corruption, people will start accepting the terrorist attacks as well. We are now living with scams and soon, such terrorist attacks will become a part of our lives. The onus lies on us and we should stand up and shout, 'Nobody has the right to play and mess with our lives.' Instead, every time a bomb goes off in the city, we say, 'Thank God, it's not me', and message each other saying 'Im safe@home'. But kab tak hum message karenge? A day will come when others will wait for our messages, but all in vain."
He also says that the idea of candlelight vigils is a lame one. "Candlelight vigils are frustrating. We should stop doing all that and start demanding an explanation and also translate our thoughts into action," he says.
"Before blaming anyone for the attacks, we should introspect. I feel we are our biggest enemies. It is the lack of self-belief, awareness and interest which has snowballed into fear and hatred," he says, and adds, "We just know how to break laws and our 'sab chalta hai' attitude is a cause of worry.
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