The 44-year-old Kitu Gidwani will be seen playing a character based on Mayawati in an upcoming political thriller titled Ek Bura Aadmi. She will play Uttar Pradesh's fictional chief minister, Rukmi Devi in the film. The character is wily, ambitious, ruthless, foul-mouthed and a law unto herself.
Director Ishraq Shah blatantly named the colourful politician after whom Kitu's character is modelled, "Kitu's character is modeled on Mayawati . Let the whole world see what kind of a goonda raj she's running in the state. In fact, I've shown her nude in a bath-tub with a goonda ( Arunoday Singh). Everyone knows this lady's lustful ways. She gets a special kick out of subjugating men."
Since Ishraq openly admits who the character is modelled on Mayawati, wouldn't the film get into trouble with the powerful lady's supporters? The nonchalant director maintains, "Dekhiye, I can't shy away from trouble when making a political thriller based on real incidents. If I want to play it safe, I might as well make a brainless comedy. Yes, the woman we've portrayed may get upset. But it's a risk worth taking. Kitu Gidwani has studied the clothes, body language, and spoken language of the actual politician. The resemblance will certainly not be coincidental."
Er...isn't Ms Gidwani far more attractive than her real-life counterpart? The director shoots back, "If I show the female politician to be ugly who would come to see my film? As it is the face of Indian politics is so ugly. At least we need to have good-looking people playing politicians."
Director Ishraq Shah blatantly named the colourful politician after whom Kitu's character is modelled, "Kitu's character is modeled on Mayawati . Let the whole world see what kind of a goonda raj she's running in the state. In fact, I've shown her nude in a bath-tub with a goonda ( Arunoday Singh). Everyone knows this lady's lustful ways. She gets a special kick out of subjugating men."
Since Ishraq openly admits who the character is modelled on Mayawati, wouldn't the film get into trouble with the powerful lady's supporters? The nonchalant director maintains, "Dekhiye, I can't shy away from trouble when making a political thriller based on real incidents. If I want to play it safe, I might as well make a brainless comedy. Yes, the woman we've portrayed may get upset. But it's a risk worth taking. Kitu Gidwani has studied the clothes, body language, and spoken language of the actual politician. The resemblance will certainly not be coincidental."
Er...isn't Ms Gidwani far more attractive than her real-life counterpart? The director shoots back, "If I show the female politician to be ugly who would come to see my film? As it is the face of Indian politics is so ugly. At least we need to have good-looking people playing politicians."
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