Saturday, 3 September 2011

Comedy is the best cure

I have always believed that laughter is the real medicine. There are times in your life when a good laugh can make you feel better. I have seen friends around me who are low, are sick or just not happy and if you stop discussing and talking about the problem and instead cajole them into some good humor then they end up feeling better.

I love comedy films, theatre and even stand up. My most favourite genre is comedy. I love watching TV shows and movies that are funny. In fact my up coming release Hum Tum Aur Shabana is a light hearted comedy that I had a great time doing. In the past there have been moments when I have done a dramatic scene for a film, having said that I enjoy drama there's nothing more entertaining than doing a comedy film.

So if you are in the dumps, or feeling the blues, get out of the bed, watch something funny, or pick up a book with jokes. A laughter a day keeps the doctor away.

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